Today we will explore four of these fantastic benefits you could acquire from learning English. Some might even suprise you!
5 major benefits of learning English
1. Keeps your brain sharp
Learning any language keeps your brain active and challenged. In fact, yoyr brain changeslectrical activity and size when learning a new language. No matter what age you you start at, there are benefits fir learning a new language. When you decided to learn English, you give yourself an extra rigorous workout due its complicated nature. So if you are looking ti develop more muscle, English is an eccellent choice. The world may not have a global language, buy English is the default option for countless forms of communication across the globe. Thats why one of the benefits of learning English is that it significantly boots your hirung potential. Not only is it an appealing credential on your resume, but its also statistically proven to increase your hiring potential.
2. One if the best languages to learn for travel
If you think English can only take yoy to place like US, UK and Canada, we've got some great news. There are over 50 English speaking countries around the world. And that doesn't count for all over the world. In my cities, particulary in Europe, English is almost an unofficial second portion of community. Even in places like Chine where a few milion out of the country's 1.3 bilion speak the language you run a good chance of meeting English speakers in its cities.
3. Helps you get into great shcools
Like job applications, one of the best benefits of learning Englis is education oppoittunities. If you desire access to some of the best schools like Stanford, Oxford then knowing English provides you an incridible edge. Its expected that around the world will learn English over the next decade. If you want yo be seriously considered for entrance, it helps to understand the negatuve tongue. That doesn't mean non Englush speakers won't gain entry it just becomes much more challenging.w
4. Become a better writer
One of the best ways to understand a new languages is to write. The more that you write the more exposure to the new language you receive. This helps you book comprehension and eventually your creativity
In a classroom setting, writing helps drive in the fundamentalsof a new languages. Think back to your early education day. How oftenwere you writing your alphabetand basic sentence?The same goes for when learning as an adult. In turn this regular effort will help you take those simple words and build your knowledge out. Sinole words will turn into more complex and soon you will have a descriptive words needed to become a creative writer.
Much like becoming a musician, you won't understand your took until you try it out for hours on end. The same goes for English. Start writing today, see the benefits soon.